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A F*ckup's Guide To The Universe

May 29, 2020

The murder of George Floyd is not a two sided debate.

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May 27, 2020

Whitney Miller from True Sex and Wild love comes on to talk

Finding yourself in Quarantine and or surviving your relationship

Open relationships

Drugs and tapping into your bullshit

Why we date the same people with different faces

Support her support the show

May 21, 2020

Gene Baur on living your best life and not hurting animals. Plus discussion on the NYT article the end of meat. 

Vegan cooking show

Support the show and get extra episodes plus watch the video of this interview



May 19, 2020

Guster was one of my favorite bands growing up. It's singer Ryan Miller also happens to be one of the funniest people in the world. 

We talk about making the art you want to make and not what you think people want to hear and also some solid drug talk.

Plus some big podcast changes moving forward!

To here the ENTIRE...

May 12, 2020

Covid is over and following love! 

Chino Laforge comes on to talk about starting comedy in Hawaii and how not to be a hack. Falling on your face, discovering your roots, scrapping, and so much more. We talk about me learning about my roots, why Hawaiians are story tellers and fighters, and why we should fight for the...