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A F*ckup's Guide To The Universe

Dec 23, 2021

Last episode of the year! Wanted to send one more positive message and give some advice on being the person you want to be. I also wanted to talk about fucking your mom. we are. 

Thank you for supporting the podcast this year. Couldn't have done it without you. To support more or join the community come over...

Dec 16, 2021

SUCH A GOOD EPISODE. Will also help walk you back from panic attacks!
Sitaram Dass spent several years serving his beloved teacher Ram Dass on Maui, where he was shown the path of Bhakti, the yoga of service and devotion to God. He is the director of the Sacred Community Project and a member of the kirtan group 

Dec 9, 2021

Fox news gets its Christmas tree set a flame and Jamie becomes curious about Switzerlands suicide pods but is afraid of hell.

Dec 2, 2021

Lots of crazy. 

To support the show

Nov 24, 2021

Chad Lennex @chadlennexrules cohosts and we talk about eating disorders, political both siding, Rittenhouse, cocaine, and answer your questions! 

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