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A F*ckup's Guide To The Universe

May 30, 2019

Rania Khalek is a journalist who is hated by some of the same people I am! 

Hear us laugh about every terrible thing from rich politicians to slam poetry to safe spaces.

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May 29, 2019

Private group of idiots raise money to build border wall
We get a new male member and I blame all women
MLK Jr tries to appeal to a softer crowd
I keep forgetting to read emails!
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May 28, 2019

Jamie sing songs more bad news about war crimes

Should Assange go to jail and what could happen if Trump uses the espionage act


Kid should be stoned for stoning a flamingo 

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May 23, 2019

Robbie Fox is one of my favorite people. We talk about how it's ok to love things. Even nerd things! How Twitter makes it hard to gush about things we love. How John Wick is true action, game of thrones, and a whole fucking lot about pro wrestling. 

Also how he got his dream job, submitted to barstool as a child, and so...

May 22, 2019

A hilarious mental breakdown episode! 

My cat. 

Go make art. 

Ladies don't have to be good when riding fire breathing dragons.

Republicans get triggered and play identity politics 

I can't stop yelling about Mayor Pete, progressives who don't think he is gay enough, and dicks.

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